AAG has been in existence since 1996 providing educational programs for Kuwaiti and non-Kuwaiti girls.
AAG is a single gender private school for girls that uses an American curriculum that is aligned with Common Core Standards to prepare all students for success in Early Childhood Education, Elementary School, Middle School, High School, University, Careers, and Community Leadership.
Our school has four divisions:
- Early Childhood Education (Pre-K, KG-1, & KG-2)
- Elementary School (Grades 1 – 4)
- Middle School (Grades 5 – 8)
- High School (Grades 9 – 12)
We have 975 total students enrolled in our school. All our core subjects: English, Math, Science, and Social Studies are taught in English as the primary language except for Arabic, Religion, and Koran classes which are taught in Arabic and the curriculum comes from the Ministry of Education. Our school offers an array of opportunities academically including AP courses and extra-curriculum activities such as Athletics, M.U.N., Academic Games, after-school clubs, etc.
In addition, we offer Arabic as a Foreign Language for those students who have permission by the Ministry of Education. AAG consists of a staff that is diverse and dedicated to ensuring our students are successful.
Best Faculty
Modern Library
100% scholarship